
What is Realty Shielding?

This is a comprehensive service offering under which we do Title Validation of your property, right from document verification to physical survey of your land or building premises. Realty Shielding is a regular monitoring service that is extended over a period of one year. You can opt for number of physical visits ( 4/6/12) you want us to pay to your premises in 12 months. Apart from this, full document verification will be done at the beginning and at the end of the year.

Why is Realty Shielding important for you?

If you have made investments in plots/ sites/ lands/ flats/ villas etc. and have left them unattended due to lack of time or relocation to some other place or for any reason whatsoever, then there are chances that trespassers may sell your property or start construction or do any harmful thing out of your control. Obviously, it requires regular monitoring to guard it from envied encroachments, fake documentations etc. Rely on us , as we will safeguard your interests and alert you asap, should any miscreant is trying to do mischief with your assets.

Our Offerings

  • Thorough document verification such as Sale Deed, EC, Mutation Proceedings etc.
  • Conduct physical survey to confirm area of your property (4/ 6 /12 visits in a year)
  • Demarcation of area with fence and sign board (additional fee)
  • Update you with clippings/video shooting/geo-tagging your property (depending on number of visits)
  • Prompt alert in case of any evidence of encroachment or any attempt to do so
  • Periodical Report from our in-House SMEs (depending on number of visits)

What is Realty Authentication?

This is one - time inspection of your property documents including physical survey of your property. We’ll check your documents for title validations and conduct one - time physical survey of property to verify boundaries , and finally, authenticate your property papers as an impartial and independent third party.

Why is Realty Authentication important for you?

We know and you also know that property matters are intricate and involve a large chunk of hard earned money. This is now a cliché that there has been many cases of loopholes in property documentations etc. that, sooner or later, can give nightmares. If you are planning to buy / sell/ mortgage or take loan on your property, come and seek a Third Party Authentication (TPA) about the correctness of your property documents.

Our Offerings

  • Thorough document verification such as Sale Deed, EC, Mutation Proceedings etc.
  • Conduct one-time physical survey to confirm area of your property
  • Update you with clippings/ video shooting /geo-tagging your property
  • Prompt alert in case of any evidence of encroachment or any attempt to do so
  • One- time Report from our in-House SMEs (Subject Matter Experts)

What is Realty Buying Assistance?

If you have shortlisted a property (residential/ commercial/ industrial/ agricultural) for buying, but want some reliable party to assist you in your purchase of the property, then you come to us. We’ll be your trustworthy Buying Support System to make sure that all the documents pass the “Genuineness Test” and you get a good title to the property. For this, a team of expert lawyers (external) will be appointed to carry on the necessary paperwork and legal formalities.

Why is Realty Buying Assistance important for you?

You have already recognized a property and plan to buy it. Planning does not involve huge investments, but buying does. And it is obvious that you would want a good title and peaceful possession of the property. How will you make sure that the property under consideration is free from any charge or encumbrance?

Don’t worry, we’ll check the genuineness of the deal & documentation. We’ll be your support system and help you in the purchase process and make it a comfortable & hassle-free buying experience for you.

Our Offerings

  • A team of Lawyers will verify documents with the departments concerned.
  • Physically verify the property
  • Picture/video shoot/geo-tag the property
  • Intimate you about the payment of Registration Fee, Stamp Duty etc.
  • Assist you at the time of Registration by being physically present
  • If you cannot be physically present at the time of Registration (being an NRI or otherwise), then after discussion with our team of lawyers, you can give us Power of Attorney (POA) to represent you on your behalf.
  • Assist you in the necessary formalities after Registration, such as EC transfer etc.

What is Realty Selling Assistance?

If you have identified a buyer for your property and want the sale transaction to be a seamless affair, come to us. We’ll be your trustworthy Selling Support System and get all the necessary documents prepared for you to give effect to the sale. For this, a team of expert lawyers (external) will be appointed to carry on the necessary paperwork and legal formalities.

Why is Realty Selling Assistance important for you?

You want to sell your property, but you don’t not have time and requisite legal knowledge to make the sale effective.

Count on us, we are there to assist you in selling off your premises, peacefully.

Our Offerings

  • A team of Lawyers will check your property documents
  • Fill-up missing documents, if any
  • Draft Sales Deed and comply with necessary formalities
  • Assist you at the time of final transaction by being physically present

You can avail some part of the service listed above and not the entire service. We’ll customize our services to suit your requirement. For e.g.- you want only document verification and no physical survey; we’ll do it for you.

Apart from this, there are many other relevant property documents that need thorough verification. You may obtain it through us. Some of them are listed below:

Encumbrance Certificate (EC)

This is an evidence for examining free title/ ownership to the property concerned. It is an important legal document issued by the sub- registrar’s office where the property is registered. Generally, Government Authorities or Financial Institutions request EC for past 13 years from the present date of application; however, it is possible to get EC prior to 13 years also.

Pattedar Pass Book and Title Deeds

In case of agricultural property, the survey number; name of the village, panchayat and mandal; extent of the land, etc. has to be mentioned clearly on the records such as Sethwar, P.T. Register, Pahanies etc. This should tally with the information contained in Pattedar Pass Book which is with the owner. This helps in establishing the clear ownership of the property.

Final Layout Certificate

Before buying any property, one should check the layout approval certificate issued by HMDA.

Land Documents

Land / Sites in which you have either invested or going to invest can of many types– Government Land, Surplus Ceiling Land, Bhoodan Land, Wakf Property, Endowment Lands etc. Care must be taken to know the type of land before investment in order to stay away from hassles later on.

Change of Land Usage

If you want to get your land converted from agricultural to non-agricultural land, then we can get it done for you.

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