Our Approach


Our approach to serve you is simple, yet smart. We have standardized formats, yet we customize services to suit your requirements.

Identifying Issues Before They Arise
Being the experts, we are well connected with the people, the information repositories and knowledge-bases pertaining to the marketplace, and hence can share information about the latest conditions surrounding most real-estate transactions. We would know the people involved in the situation, the kind of people they are, the kind of socio-political influence they have and thus, can make very informed projections on the possibility and nature of conflict in a transaction.
Resolving Issues
Take an example – You come to know, through our services, that your land property is holding a disputed title. Well, it’s not enough if we can blow the whistle. Our significance in a transaction is in the very fact that we can take the deal to closure by effectively neutralising any and every threat to the integrity of the title. Extrapolating this to a generic scenario, we usually are in the know of things that can partially or severely affect the sweetness in a transaction. It is just that we’ve been in this business for so long; it’s but natural that we have rubbed shoulders and shook hands with anyone who’s anyone in the marketplace. We’re friends with everyone and we’re friends who’re valued. This is the differentiator that makes things relatively easy for us, what is relatively difficult otherwise.
Preventing Issues
We are fair in our dealings. We try to do things right all the time. All said and done, it takes all sorts to make the world, and we aren’t naïve to believe that things will remain sweet and true all the time. Right from unscrupulous folks and downright powerful to the ones that are dark horses, you may have to contend with them, sometimes, as much as you may want to avoid all contact. In such circumstances, we are almost able to make a tangible presence on your behalf that effectively prevents any possibility of conflict. We also have a team of legal experts that helps us take the right stance in the unfortunate circumstances that we have to.
Due Diligence
It’s a paper at the end of the day. But, we see more than just text. We see patterns. We see who did the documentation, who notarised them, who verified them, and who approved them. Here’s where our experienced eye comes into play. We foresee trouble in the combinations of the people we listed above, situations and market voices. When it comes down to knowing, whether or not, your documentation is in order, it takes a little more than just our eye. The people in our network help us sniff out the trouble before it hits you.
This is what we started out doing for our relatives and friends . Call it property shielding, or some fancy words, at the end of the day, we make sure your property remains yours and in good shape.

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