Our Offerings

Our services extend to the length, width and depth of real estate lifecycle stages.

For Open Lands

For buildings – under construction and after

For residential/personal property

For Property Lease

Our offering is essentially split across four facets – the first being centred around the property. The second, around the people – buyers, sellers, lessors and lessees, tenants and residential property owners. The third facet surrounds the transaction, where we offer our consulting and enablement services, and last but not the least is what happens after the deal is struck.

Property Selection

As the name suggests, we help select property – whether it is open land, residential property, apartments, complexes, industrial and commercial property, plants, manufacturing centres – you name it – we will help you identify it.

How we do it

Of course – it starts with you – when when you come to us, we carefully understand your requirements and create the heat map of what properties would best suit your requirements. We then go about fine-tuning our understanding with our preliminary selection, post which, we would be in a much better position in terms of understanding your requirements.

We then either select from our list of likely candidates, or set out on the hunt by putting the word out in our immense network of consultants. The difference being our extensive coverage, and the biggest differentiator being the fact that we have a clear set of specifications that we put out – not just “the word”.

In most situations we are able to come up with a variety of plausible choices for you – then comes the discussion on each, post which, we either go back on the hunt, or move to the next stage – the negotiations. But something else happens alongside the hunt for each property – the Property verification.

Property Verification

The cliché would be Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki, or the story of every house. In knowing this story lies the beauty of the deal, according to us. Most often, there is a misunderstanding. A rumour or mystery, often due to coincidence, and sometimes on purpose as well.

In other circumstances, in the story lies the danger – the reason to avoid going forward with a rather lucrative sounding deal. We light the midnight candles ourselves if necessary to verify that the property is without encumbrance, and without the prospect of a quintessential thorn in the flesh.

How we do it

We have three lines of defence against the prospective bad deal. The first, are the local agents that give us the real picture as is seen in the marketplace. How long the property has been on sale, at what prices, and how many times it has come close to being purchased, sold, or leased.

The next line of defence for us is our contacts with the local revenue department officials and registrars. They help us with the history of the property, from approval of plans, to whether there have been any issues in terms of unauthorised construction, occupation, or authority-driven closure of the property.

Furthermore, we also get information of the previous owners and how the property has performed – for some, it is bad luck, for others it smells of bad business practices. Losses or mishaps can be interpreted in many ways and we help you with the rationale behind the interpretations.

Thus, we are able to find out the properties that will both suit your preferences, whether emotional or rational, as well as fit your requirements and budget. And this property shall be free of all encumbrances and in essence, trouble.

Once the property is identified, we go to the next round – negotiation and if we cannot avoid it, arbitration.

Negotiation and Arbitration

Once the specific property is identified, we enter the negotiation phase, where we establish contact between the property owner and the prospective buyer. Our services extend to both property owners, as well as buyers and of course, to ensure zero conflict of interest, we will refuse to deal with both parties simultaneously.

For property buyers, we make a preliminary analysis based on the current market conditions, similar property transactions in the recent past, as well as the property history. We create a ballpark figure of the deal and help you with every step of the negotiation.

For property owners, we help with the initial response if an offer is made, again based on the same principles outlined above. The idea is to maintain a transparent and fair transaction.

How we do it

Once the ballpark figure is reached, we help in the negotiation if required. We also provide background verification of the buyer or seller in order to ensure simplified negotiation. However, we also understand that property, being a possession, sometimes triggers emotional reactions. We have seen our fair share of emotions ruling transactions, sometimes making them better, and sometimes making them fall through. Thus, we also help break the ice and the impasse if you ever run into one.

The sheer magnitude of our experience with conducting transactions gives us a big head start when it comes to bridging the gap when negotiations fail. Because we have also done our background checks, we often are able to estimate the precise reason for the impasse – whether from the buyer, or from the seller’s end.

When we step in, it is with an understanding of the situation, the emotional and rational drivers for each party, as well as the ideal closure to the situation. Thus, we are almost immediately successful when we are called upon to arbitrate in broken-down negotiations. Once we have gotten the negotiations back in line and have helped strike the deal, we move to the next stage.


Here we are talking about bringing the right atmosphere to the deal – and we’re not talking about bottles of champagne – we’re talking

- Getting paperwork in order

- Getting fees and stamp duties paid

- Getting contracts drafted

- Ironing out discrepancies and issues in contract clauses

- Facilitation of bank guarantees and credit worthiness

- Preparing checklists for compliance

- Pre-empting issues and mitigating risks

How we do it

Our precision and success ratio comes from our vast experience dealing with real estate transactions and enabling them for ourselves. To add icing to this cake of expertise is our vast network of partner agencies. They help further enhance this offering by adding multiple geographies and a more holistic presence across the state.

Alongside this phase of enablement is our offering that helps you secure the loans and advances required to complete the formalities of your real estate transaction.

Loans and advances

We are realtors – from a real estate background, and we have purchased and sold properties over four decades before we started putting together our expertise as a consultative offering. We know the business – we know how banks deal with properties, we know how to get the loans and advances approved a lot faster than most others can manage, sometimes purely because our transactions with the banks in question are in tens, and sometimes hundreds of crores over time.

While we cannot change credit worthiness, we can definitely speed things up a bit without jumping the line, or cutting corners in terms of compliance.

How we do it

It is essentially experience, along with knowing the process, fees and options available.

- We help you get the documentation in order faster

- Our legal and paralegal consultants simplify the processes for you

- Our financial advisers help you with simple process insights that work wonders

- We help you get it first-time-right

In a nutshell, we cross the T’s and dot the I’s for you – but it’s a lot more than that when you see it happen. A little hands-off approach to the same stuff is our consultative offering.

Consulting Services

Advice, assistance, problem solving – there are many ways to put what we do the role is simple – be there, make sure your deal stays clean, transparent and fair. We do that. From merely scanning through the fine print, to stepping in when necessary and ensuring everything goes straight and through. To learn more about the details, take a look at our Enablement as well as our Representative Services.

How we do it

Our consulting teams are always at hand, providing offline support, with quick analysis, due diligence and responses to questions but they are also ready to take a leading role should you require it. Whether or not the need arises, we also have a full-fledged advisory team ready, which follows up on each customer situation, up-to-date and ready to swing into action to provide detailed analysis, insights, or counsel for our customers.

Representative Services

We understand that no one can be everywhere, all the time. It is as simple as that. We help bridge this gap. We have teams of legal consultants who are capable of taking actions on behalf of you and represent you at client meetings, regulatory authority visits, bank or any other official meets or transactions.

With minute-by-minute updates when necessary and instant transfer of documentation, and follow-up with teleconference with our legal panel to explain each clause, and explore each possibility, prior to signing, we offer a truly seamless presence on your behalf.

How we do it

We have the experience to chart out the course and pre-empt risks – and we have the legal consultants who can be there on your behalf. We bridge the gap with technology, bringing in seamless connectivity between you, our team, and the representatives where and when necessary.

We have you transfer agency authority to us with precise and foolproof documentation. This gives us the authority to act on your behalf.

Next step – we chart out the sequence of events, and prepare an if-then sequence of steps that we can follow. Once the sequence is approved, we take up the representative role.

Statutory Compliance

During the course of a real estate transaction, there are statutes that need to be met, and compliance steps that are required. At Realty Shield, we take pride in our ability to meet the compliance requirements, as well as, do it in a simple and effective manner.

How we do it

We help you with the due diligence at every step of your transactional journey.

With the compliance also taken care of, it is time to enjoy possession – but if you’re not going to be around, we can also offer to take care of your possessions for you.


Whether on a new deal, or on one that was struck a hundred years ago, property protection is one of the most important. We provide that – in more than one way. Whether you are on a long vacation, or an NRI buying in with no real physical access to the property, our monitoring services will keep your property unencumbered, and as you would best prefer it.

How we do it

In three steps.

- First, our monitoring team makes a beat, takes photographic and video evidence, adds a little report on the present condition of the property and uploads to you.

- Second, our fulfilment team regularly checks up with the local revenue officials about the latest property registration and litigation attempts to identify if your property is being placed under any form of litigation. Our fulfilment team also lets us in on the market voices – this helps us assess if there is any risk to your property.

- Take pre-emptive measures to safeguard your property in the event that there is a risk, combining legal and law-enforcement initiatives to keep the possession and title of your property, firmly with yourself.

Now that you have your property to yourself; should you consider leasing or selling it, our next offering sure will help you in keeping things classy.

Party verification

Whether it’s a buyer, a lessee, a seller, or a lessor, we will get behind the scenes and get you a detailed dossier on the party. This is to make sure that

- The deal is real

- That it will happen in the timeline offered, and in the manner proposed

- That there will be no surprises

- And in the case of money changing hands

- If the person has the credit worthiness to go through with the transaction

- If the person is legally capable of making such a transaction

- If there will be any risk of entering into the deal with such a person to start with

- The reason behind the deal is clean enough – meaning without pending litigation that has not yet reached the courts, or family disputes, attached property, and the list goes on

Well, most of the times, (fortunately) there is no drama in real estate – the background verification just helps ascertain if we are, indeed dealing with the right people, at the right time, and at the right price.

How we do it

It’s pretty straightforward – it is like a background verification agency that does the verification for employees in an organization – only, we do it in a little more detail, looking into property purchases, sales, leases, litigation, disputes, etc.

Our legal team, in conjunction with our real estate consultants and enablement teams together make pretty short work of a background check. There however are the odd ones that take a little time because the records of the person are either not many in number, or are dubious in nature, in which case we dig deeper.

Contract Building and Validation

As they say, where there is a contract, there are those tiny blots of ink that upon closer inspection turn out to be the fine print.

We are not ashamed – in fact we are quite proud of our ability to:

- Create the tiny blots of ink in your contracts to make sure you are safeguarded against risks

- To identify the tiny blots of ink in contract documents handed to you and

- Find out what they mean and how they would affect the deal you are about to enter into

- Find out what they would mean during the duration of the contract and at the end of it

- Understand why the other party had any and every of the fine print or clauses in the contract to make sure that there are no surprises or bad news at the end of any day that you are in possession or usage of the said property.

How we do it

Simple – lots and lots, and lots more experience in drafting agreements, sale deeds, lease agreements, rental agreements and so on.

Most of our expertise comes into play when it is industrial or commercial property with fixed and variable assets installed in the property, which are usually subject to depreciation and more importantly degradation.

We analyse the costs, risks, benefits and possible issues and help you make informed choices on each of the clauses - our sharp eyes cut through the clutter for you and highlight the best and the worst in every agreement.

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